Search Engine Optimization

Search Marketing is as mysterious & seemingly Treacherous to business.

Search Marketing is as mysterious & seemingly Treacherous to business

The landscape of Search Marketing is as mysterious and seemingly treacherous to business owners as the farthest reaches of the Himalayas to everyday traveler. However, more and more business owners are recognizing that – just as the Himalayan mountains offers most beautiful treasures in the world – so too may Search Marketing hold the most rewarding fortunes or internet marketing.

The landscape of Search Marketing is as mysterious and seemingly treacherous to business owners as the farthest reaches of the Himalayas to everyday traveler. However, more and more business owners are recognizing that – just as the Himalayan mountains offers most beautiful treasures in the world – so too may Search Marketing hold the most rewarding fortunes or internet marketing.

What is Search Engine Marketing?

Search engine marketing, also known as Search Engine Optimization, and commonly referred to as SEO or SEM, is the practice of offering your product or service to your target audience while they are actively searching for your offers. SEO is the system employed to rank your web designs and web applications on the front of the world’s most popular search engines – Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Why Your Company Needs the Benefits SEO Provides?

According to survey done online, researchers discovered that SEO provided a higher return on investment than any other marketing outreach – email marketing, direct response, public relations, and advertising. SEO ability to provide such a high rate of results lies in its unique industry makeup.

“SEO isn’t easy. However, in an advertising world where very few things can be counted on, SEO is a reassuringly safe investment” ~ Tad Clarke, Editorial Director

The Job of SEO Professional

SEO professional job not only include adding necessary elements to your website that the search engines require – but they must also craft each element to inform, engage, and persuade your human visitors to purchase or take a specific action. Because of this double-faceted marketing approach is both complex and ever-changing, few of your competitors will likely bothered with it, allowing you to dominate your market online.

  1. sole focus of search engine marketing is to aim for more sales or hot leads. We want to increase the traffic to our website as well as inspire that traffic to take a specific action. While traditional marketing bombards business executives with messages when they have not asked for it, totally on raw-guess work , SEO, however, displays your company’s listings at precisely the moment your audience is searching for your product, service, or information.
  2. While optimizing your web design, you want to target your audience with the keywords and keyword phrases that they search for. The result, you might ask. Besides more traffic, you instantly establish yourself as the leading resource for your audience’s mind. Because your content would thematically related, as the visitors continues her research and your website begins to pop up, you begin to build a powerful relationship in her mind between your company and the challenge, problem, or question she is researching. This relationship would otherwise be known as your brand.
  3. While optimizing your web design, you want to target your audience with the keywords and keyword phrases that they search for. The result, you might ask. Besides more traffic, you instantly establish yourself as the leading resource for your audience’s mind. Because your content would thematically related, as the visitors continues her research and your website begins to pop up, you begin to build a powerful relationship in her mind between your company and the challenge, problem, or question she is researching. This relationship would otherwise be known as your brand.
  4. Another integral part of search engine marketing is cultivating links from authoritative sites - company’s having a reputation in your industry. Not only these incoming links help your site rise in the search engine, but you’ll also garner a vote of approval when your consumers see that other leaders in your field are linking to you. They would be compelled to believe that you’re an expert in your line of work.
  5. For many business entrepreneurs and executives – fear or doubt in relation to SEO creeps around one basic question. We feel that there are two answers to that question. This is because that the mysterious haze that seems to surround search engine optimization are created largely by two factors – the search engine itself and the unethical, unscrupulous hoaxers who deceive them. First, the search engine never still. It isn’t so different from, let’s say, quantum physics. The rate at which new discoveries are made, new technologies invented, and new methodologies and theories are created, it seems like its almost impossible to keep up. When you ask, “So what exactly you do to get ranking?” to every other search engine optimizers, it’s hard to get a consistent answers because those strategies that work best will change every one-to-three months. On top of that, internet these days filled up with what we call ‘Quicksters’ – an individual dedicated to getting rich the fast way without building a traditional business or creating a valuable service or product. The tricksters have their ultimate goldmine, in varying forms, through tricking search engines. Whether they made money as fly-by-night SEO companies or through affiliate programs, what sets these quicksters apart from the SEO professionals is that they can only get results by breaking the rules, which is short-lived and ultimately fatal to any established company. We call them “Black Hat SEO” because these techniques often lead into getting blacklisted, preventing any page on your website’s domain ever showing up, even if someone types in your exact name or domain. The call out of the blue or they guarantee a specific amount of top ten listings.
  6. As we see that the most fear and doubt towards SEO is from ever-changing practices and some dubious practitioners who had given it a bad name, we find that to overcome much of this is simply a matter of knowledge. By nailing down the fundamentals of SEO, which will never likely change, and knowing which method to always steer clear of, you can ensure that your investment into SEO will not result into many horror stories.
  7. As SEO continues to become more mainstream and search engines seems to seek and destroy the Quicksters, their kind will become far less important. The real key to success here is how you implement your campaign, regardless with who you work with.
  8. As a safe measure, you may have considered hiring and in-house specialist to handle your search engine optimization, and there’s a good reason for that. On average, companies who have kept their SEO in-house saw an increase of 38% in web site traffic within six months. If you look further, however, you would be disappointed by the above data. Those companies that chose to outsource their SEO work to a consultant and a firm saw a drastic 110% rise in traffic. Well, there are several factors that contribute to staggering gap in effectiveness between in-house and outsourced search optimization.
    1. There is a shortage of SEO experts and keeping a dedicated resource for an effective long-term campaign seems difficult at the current corporate climate.
    2. In-house employees rarely keep up with industry news, marketing forums, or keep close contact with professional colleagues. As a result, they tend to use outdated method for rankings, while the search engine continues to change rapidly.
    3. Many SEO professionals forge relationships at industry seminars and events – these relationships comes in handy while keeping abreast of latest industry. In-house experts often can’t get time off to attend these events and therefore largely miss out on this powerful resource.
    On the other hand, the consultant or firm’s lifeblood is its clients – who easily may stop payment and walk away if targeted results aren’t achieved. None of this is to say that an in-house professional would be any less knowledgeable than a consultant, however, the natural atmosphere and conditions of working in an office from 9-5 for a single company can often hinder a professional’s results. You’d be surprised by how often our experience with a client in one industry will provide the perfect solution for another client in a completely different industry.

E-Multitech Solution’s Sound SEO Implementation Plan

Whether you choose an in-house or outsourcing company for your search engine marketing, the key to your success relies upon your SEO implementation plan. If you’re launching a new web design, you want to be sure that your web designers and programmers work closely with your SEO professional during the entire design process. If you already have a web site, make sure that your SEO professional goes through it with a fine-toothed and comb through each meta tags, source code, and linking structure. Always make sure that everyone is working on the same page, meaning that all departments are working towards a common goal. Also make sure that your copywriters and designers work along with SEO professional to ensure that the proper conversion mechanisms are in place to inspire your new site visitors to purchase or provide their information So now we’ve already demystified SEO and the reasons why business owners and executives seem to naturally fear it. We also discussed the true dangers in pursuing an SEO campaign (Quicksters and Blackhatters), but we’ve also established that SEO is a necessary component to any successful marketing outreach. Now, it’s time for you to take a closer look at your own company’s unique objectives and challenges and to discuss an effective strategy for both increasing your site traffic and improving your site conversions.

Next Steps towards Success

You have read this, and hopefully other articles, white-papers, and case studies suggesting what is SEO and how it works, and why is it effective. We’re not promising that a search engine marketing will save your business and that it is the ultimate solution and end for all the internet marketing initiative. However, we are promising that Search Marketing is a validated, integral element to your online presence and that we’ll work with you to answer any of your questions and to discuss more specifically what SEO can do for you. Of course, this is at no obligation to you to work with us. We’re simply happy to help you.

Not Sure? Give Us a Call @ +977-1-5526001

Don’t worry, we’ll guide you step-by-step right from the start and even after the project completion to make sure that your online business profits and flourishes. Rest assured, when it comes to designing professional and profitable web designs, E-Multitech Solution can deliver them because we have 5 years of fieldwork under our belt.

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